Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 3 &4 :)

Day 3:
UNIVERSAL STUDIOS all day long! Rode every scary ride there was and walked what seemed like a thousand miles. My dad and I have no fear when it comes to rides, so we rode everything we could fit in. The hulk was probably my favorite. Spiderman has some really awesome effects. My parents and I rode that a few times! We grabbed some lunch at Mythos and then headed straight to the second park within universal. Spent the rest of the day taking advantage of our time together and laughing non-stop.

Day 4:
universal again! We were a little more tired the second time around, due to the crazy day before. We did not let that hold us back although, going full swing once again. The people watching was not as good the second day as the first. Let me tell you, these universal goers were cracking me up all day long. We headed straight for the hulk as soon as we got there, and rode that a few more times for lunch. The fam and I stopped in Emeril's for lunch. So delicious. We had calamari for an appetizer...i have had that before, but this time I actually really liked it. My tastes for food grow as I get older, more willing to try different things. (fashion parallel folks...try different things..haa had to have some sort of fashion tip in here)...We rode some more rides, and then stopped by Cinnabon on the way out. oh my word so delicious. After hours and hours of walking, mom still insisted we stopped by the wonderful outlets on the way back to our townhouse. Designer outlets like you would not believe! I thought my mom was going to hyperventilate when we walked into Tory Burch. After searching through the entire store, mom got herself a snazzy new bag. I walked into fendi, barney's, and a couple others but was unsuccessful. The stores were rather small and had very little selection.Then I walked into Burberry, where I fell in love...literally. The store was huge and it had some of the best finds! I could have gotten the whole store, it was that great. I although only walked away with a new wallet. After we left Burberry, I demanded we left, due to my achy feet. After all, my dad had been circling the outlets looking for a spot for over an hour, we finally put him out of his misery. Just kidding, my dad has a very patient spirt with us ladies. He has had three daughters and a wife for a long time now, so it's a quality that goes with the job! As soon as we got back to our place, i fell asleep for hours. Woke up for a ton of math homework. Blogging now completes my fashion homework :)

Stay Stylin',

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